JFIF``Photoshop 3.08BIMvZ%G07798>Animal > Marine Invertebrate > Mollusk > Cephalopod > Nautilus*Subject > Technique > Captivity > Aquarium Subject > Technique > Underwater Underwater(@© Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide720070301P Phillip Collan Phillip CollasNIKON D100 RAWt@© Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwidex2The chambered nautilus is a living fossil whose relatives date back 100s of millions of years. The nautilus lives at great depths (1800) within fore-reef habitats of the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is an active swimmer, propelling itself close to the sea floor by expelling water from its movable siphon7302 Azalea PlaceCarlsbad California92011USA(760) 804-0731oceanlight@oceanlight.comwww.OceanLight.comOceanlight.com!ScientificName=Nautilus pompiliusCommonName=Chambered nautilus{AllKeywords=Animal, Aquarium, Captivity, Cephalopod, Marine Invertebrate, Mollusk, Nautilus, Subject, Technique, Underwater Orientation=HCode=C Quality=100Dim=NIKON D100 RAW&ExifMM*;nKiڜ>, bPhillip Colla / Oceanlight.comCopyright (c) 2007 by Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com. All rights reserved. UNICODECopyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you.Copyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you.Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.comCopyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you. XICC_PROFILE HLinomntrRGB XYZ  1acspMSFTIEC sRGB-HP cprtP3desclwtptbkptrXYZgXYZ,bXYZ@dmndTpdmddvuedLview$lumimeas $tech0 rTRC< gTRC< bTRC< textCopyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard CompanydescsRGB IEC61966-2.1sRGB IEC61966-2.1XYZ QXYZ XYZ o8XYZ bXYZ $descIEC http://www.iec.chIEC http://www.iec.chdesc.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGBdesc,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1view_. \XYZ L VPWmeassig CRT curv #(-27;@EJOTY^chmrw| %+28>ELRY`gnu| &/8AKT]gqz !-8COZfr~ -;HUcq~ +:IXgw'7HYj{+=Oat 2FZn  % : O d y  ' = T j " 9 Q i  * C \ u & @ Z t .Id %A^z &Ca~1Om&Ed#Cc'Ij4Vx&IlAe@e Ek*Qw;c*R{Gp@j>i  A l !!H!u!!!"'"U"""# #8#f###$$M$|$$% %8%h%%%&'&W&&&''I'z''( (?(q(())8)k))**5*h**++6+i++,,9,n,,- -A-v--..L.../$/Z///050l0011J1112*2c223 3F3334+4e4455M555676r667$7`7788P8899B999:6:t::;-;k;;<' >`>>?!?a??@#@d@@A)AjAAB0BrBBC:C}CDDGDDEEUEEF"FgFFG5G{GHHKHHIIcIIJ7J}JK KSKKL*LrLMMJMMN%NnNOOIOOP'PqPQQPQQR1R|RSS_SSTBTTU(UuUVV\VVWDWWX/X}XYYiYZZVZZ[E[[\5\\]']x]^^l^__a_``W``aOaabIbbcCccd@dde=eef=ffg=ggh?hhiCiijHjjkOkklWlmm`mnnknooxop+ppq:qqrKrss]sttptu(uuv>vvwVwxxnxy*yyzFz{{c{|!||}A}~~b~#G k͂0WGrׇ;iΉ3dʋ0cʍ1fΏ6n֑?zM _ɖ4 uL$h՛BdҞ@iءG&vVǥ8nRĩ7u\ЭD-u`ֲK³8%yhYѹJº;.! zpg_XQKFAǿ=ȼ:ɹ8ʷ6˶5̵5͵6ζ7ϸ9к<Ѿ?DINU\dlvۀ܊ݖޢ)߯6DScs 2F[p(@Xr4Pm8Ww)Kmhttp://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ www.Oceanlight.com Phillip Colla Underwater The chambered nautilus is a living fossil whose relatives date back 100s of millions of years. The nautilus lives at great depths (1800) within fore-reef habitats of the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is an active swimmer, propelling itself close to the sea floor by expelling water from its movable siphon 07798 © Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide Copyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you. Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com Phillip Colla NIKON D100 RAW © Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide Animal > Marine Invertebrate > Mollusk > Cephalopod > Nautilus Subject > Technique > Captivity > Aquarium Subject > Technique > Underwater 2007-03-01 uuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d33d75182f1b 7302 Azalea Place Carlsbad California 92011 USA (760) 804-0731 oceanlight@oceanlight.com www.OceanLight.com Oceanlight.com ScientificName=Nautilus pompilius CommonName=Chambered nautilus AllKeywords=Animal, Aquarium, Captivity, Cephalopod, Marine Invertebrate, Mollusk, Nautilus, Subject, Technique, Underwater Orientation=H Code=C Quality=100 Dim=NIKON D100 RAW C     "" $(4,$&1'-=-157:::#+?D?8C49:7C 7%%77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"D !1A"2QaqB#R3b$%Dr4CSs4 !1A"2Qaq#C3BRr ?()*+; TVk$U 9IVaUeRK[b1.Sv`[*"./b6HYjbtf &ZC ~peŘSV;H& BHcm<>NgG"6bx'-5C95";5MORg,uM)gҤj.Mm,3CUnKeGW+ePT{ z`.9<ȯz>8bG@P"؝1yk Rε) 2 jpmtyJ<lQ9"u^eY%,wDw@U,MϠ83eSGW&fQOr_ \\e'ejgvꗦWGn6ƉgӴ@[V*-*cVY'Yvw֙e\nٴ{?4"UēUM 'f=H_P.֪Ğ;"{x1g+Tj`z^$t9u-e 1GUX{;J0?:i}ᖜ{+2D9 8"gTO˚<Ds@27bwIeȩ! 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