JFIF``Photoshop 3.08BIMvZ%G01168&Animal > Cetacean > Whale > Gray WhaleDAnimal > Cetacean > Whale > Whale Behavior > Stranding / Abandonment>Animal > Endangered / Threatened Species > Marine > Gray WhaleKEnvironmental Issues / Problems > Stranding / Abandonment > Whale Stranding%Location > USA > California > Big Sur CaliforniaCetacean EndangeredEschrichtiidaeEschrichtius Robustus Gray Whale Marine Mammal Mysticete(@© Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide720070301P Phillip Colla_ CaliforniaeUSAn Phillip Collas Nikon LS-4000t@© Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwidex4Gray whale carcass, beached, tongue visible, Del Mar\ California7302 Azalea PlaceCarlsbad California92011USA(760) 804-0731oceanlight@oceanlight.comwww.OceanLight.comwww.Oceanlight.com$ScientificName=Eschrichtius robustusCommonName=Gray whale$AllKeywords=Animal, Big Sur, California, Cetacean, Endangered, Endangered / Threatened Species, Environmental Issues / Problems, Eschrichtiidae, Eschrichtius Robustus, Gray Whale, Location, Marine, Marine Mammal, Mysticete, Stranding / Abandonment, USA, Whale, Whale Behavior, Whale StrandingSeapics=007599Ecoscene=Nov 3 2003 Orientation=H Quality=100Dim=Nikon LS-4000&ExifMM*;nKiڜ>, bPhillip Colla / Oceanlight.comCopyright (c) 2007 by Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com. All rights reserved. UNICODECopyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you.Copyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you.Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.comCopyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you. XICC_PROFILE HLinomntrRGB XYZ  1acspMSFTIEC sRGB-HP cprtP3desclwtptbkptrXYZgXYZ,bXYZ@dmndTpdmddvuedLview$lumimeas $tech0 rTRC< gTRC< bTRC< textCopyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard CompanydescsRGB IEC61966-2.1sRGB IEC61966-2.1XYZ QXYZ XYZ o8XYZ bXYZ $descIEC http://www.iec.chIEC http://www.iec.chdesc.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGBdesc,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1view_. \XYZ L VPWmeassig CRT curv #(-27;@EJOTY^chmrw| %+28>ELRY`gnu| &/8AKT]gqz !-8COZfr~ -;HUcq~ +:IXgw'7HYj{+=Oat 2FZn  % : O d y  ' = T j " 9 Q i  * C \ u & @ Z t .Id %A^z &Ca~1Om&Ed#Cc'Ij4Vx&IlAe@e Ek*Qw;c*R{Gp@j>i  A l !!H!u!!!"'"U"""# #8#f###$$M$|$$% %8%h%%%&'&W&&&''I'z''( (?(q(())8)k))**5*h**++6+i++,,9,n,,- -A-v--..L.../$/Z///050l0011J1112*2c223 3F3334+4e4455M555676r667$7`7788P8899B999:6:t::;-;k;;<' >`>>?!?a??@#@d@@A)AjAAB0BrBBC:C}CDDGDDEEUEEF"FgFFG5G{GHHKHHIIcIIJ7J}JK KSKKL*LrLMMJMMN%NnNOOIOOP'PqPQQPQQR1R|RSS_SSTBTTU(UuUVV\VVWDWWX/X}XYYiYZZVZZ[E[[\5\\]']x]^^l^__a_``W``aOaabIbbcCccd@dde=eef=ffg=ggh?hhiCiijHjjkOkklWlmm`mnnknooxop+ppq:qqrKrss]sttptu(uuv>vvwVwxxnxy*yyzFz{{c{|!||}A}~~b~#G k͂0WGrׇ;iΉ3dʋ0cʍ1fΏ6n֑?zM _ɖ4 uL$h՛BdҞ@iءG&vVǥ8nRĩ7u\ЭD-u`ֲK³8%yhYѹJº;.! zpg_XQKFAǿ=ȼ:ɹ8ʷ6˶5̵5͵6ζ7ϸ9к<Ѿ?DINU\dlvۀ܊ݖޢ)߯6DScs 2F[p(@Xr4Pm8Ww)Km =http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ www.Oceanlight.com Phillip Colla California Cetacean Endangered Eschrichtiidae Eschrichtius Robustus Gray Whale Marine Mammal Mysticete Gray whale carcass, beached, tongue visible, Del Mar 01168 © Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide Copyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you. Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com Phillip Colla Nikon LS-4000 © Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide California USA Animal > Cetacean > Whale > Gray Whale Animal > Cetacean > Whale > Whale Behavior > Stranding / Abandonment Animal > Endangered / Threatened Species > Marine > Gray Whale Environmental Issues / Problems > Stranding / Abandonment > Whale Stranding Location > USA > California > Big Sur 2007-03-01 uuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d33d75182f1b California 7302 Azalea Place Carlsbad California 92011 USA (760) 804-0731 oceanlight@oceanlight.com www.OceanLight.com www.Oceanlight.com ScientificName=Eschrichtius robustus CommonName=Gray whale AllKeywords=Animal, Big Sur, California, Cetacean, Endangered, Endangered / Threatened Species, Environmental Issues / Problems, Eschrichtiidae, Eschrichtius Robustus, Gray Whale, Location, Marine, Marine Mammal, Mysticete, Stranding / Abandonment, USA, Whale, Whale Behavior, Whale Stranding Seapics=007599 Ecoscene=Nov 3 2003 Orientation=H Quality=100 Dim=Nikon LS-4000 C     "" $(4,$&1'-=-157:::#+?D?8C49:7C 7%%77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"> !1A"Qa2q#BRbr$3C4d !1QAa ?xȑ N{q 2NUH#&=$7K j9rB5T.[hcdcPat.97I [eY0Bs" nwUu~6uS<&%LIOy>ȲA~Ҡ yrx+GI 85ȉ Ei"_m1t * Or 5K\{h9[亡n6ǗW!c O۞ aI|dҔ|Mz,W-@FNlK2xudذ  qkM ^+WIoM HmM5 J~5S<76WЎI=;䃷k1o,K[uL}xL Av4ks |'i4α Ơ>'5=qCw˭{k[lcK7OwԱgh7TF`H6(fEvcxc]W9 wI}6&CgtH2p64V>-C  ,F/ϫ0TP?5o˨,6]d ][[aBB)' pm&uc.0pxVhTiVVJv+vXi 42XZo'*Vj4!a=,$͌i!b*s5^f`Jj\m$$SE4ts˒e\+Ҡ-ÀԆQ#H?G[Q!KYN2 YcmAPϻ(QGt8 ;jՓtr?m˨\qf񻶦0uNi D|񸧌,(01 P3"EHViY܇VGOM AdHlȂ=ʁSfXβl#@?ZʰB$p;h%I_󝹬"E;{nolbqi1=%\dm6Z{$eOX >@[?H'mnڣDžHJVaA߹Fi|\mí!A/G2pdx#\gqsmq hW-*KsL7I$2\Q)tĸ(moGݘW,KdNG(n4?3Ljj[k(ڲV2:jWs6X;AP@(@mwlϭ-1;:N VQwlyo%E.}gœ?i<+6L@X3EX[(yXCK dZ7XJ-9rqU&MmfH!I٭ŦXJp*5֮(ÜG?/ |yI$O\;SؔU[e#\c;ᱜSi '3lneR5gbu Ic+PH=<dD ',!eA?d~ YeԫFǞƌ藊\`ܻm|epmGt%B*! 6+z?#s.qVI`; HLSsPN:i#ֳ!?,OvcE9AgҖ[C1"溕ڼEGkL 3C}3zON]:%P26sKQXAqjۨ#'*o< SMl]ۺkP~ԴǴO`j@b4inb[pKti09n^`oޅ3nUvַ"'Rړuϊ#ClpH߾O6nyGOPI23oJԑ 9둏:)e]U2c;ʚuPAoʲ}>!Z3F 7Es7[|з:zjta@*Iʐm4>,6E"cֲ>lc h#m&#\&DAdRo&d$!xjbJNN?7jiD+8Yt!DžӮ!qxygIrA ;U--kˋkR62CaE'Pvrs53fd;2NO3E4I%Z4%qNYՐ[c?yiq+: 1S?j| m蹶2KL4q(!YFxLWQcL:M g&I2`ӱ 2F"9US#|;oyEF(#)Q8_v;jO:X܋{QFWy+ۥ@ty|qR_w 3p@1(-c*Ѽaa ߁뚁FO%ׄ-oNی#ܚ1. c=֤= ZWzy^Ϋ}Oxx~wE҇s;Fp30r5 lkʣ_A|QA1R\u.s[;sgҮWr VE9j:5χ@*Xے9Mt >зȩ$ce$2dH]7M<|3[Ƅ`K_J_o`N|ú,b|ڱ.eDx1}{pASWƾK?ziPh.sh$c9SG<oql"$ lJrqd@%Dӻ/Dn~q܅q{U0OhLoόĶ=@FnՋ4p~F'!?[#aA#؍ek|xn&ed%8cCsdSŰ{o΂gұlKm!ibJ0gQB"ɚD-[lߤp] IrŻF}^^qpp{ \+ym>t< m' Ѭr+6*B80Qu\}.>+* I#&+gc^#z\WfZugϚF#$J!IIь}@ o?¦X ;5~Ǡ)Q#6.jkI,/NT=<#X*zzb'Ho]P|& Hqߥu6G[>$jRr8}B-*}z|N\'埽G#L}"LczX) ֍oA٩.uE$6!qQFH3CvIT$wk~'c~TҊ΢{.bhFBbo՟u/orF4 $Ɲz_y>,n؏ ymWE'1hdߌV9gTICAtG}q%nŎÑ& =K];K0ɕG $i~X2Lqg`q[Q&[?Q)T>mX#d.Xa؂v"Q1=;e#za-w%5 `탎 zt&"[;'JvyS$MdoQ+"=H#}QT0vT s3ot'c`Ns8 ZXmXYB̰ h bԶˡEL olc>*;;Aje$[D ~;qk.ogslއ78IpǶ>&TjC1)r@Q23NT~P+'\mUny̙{,O.G'|~tއZ݉¸FOoI(}e-#Co5\XO[R)~4ILC qpsNSxiDRJ$vҔ idX.R\iY{ԭ:J2YBʺ.?HzEƴd!nR#$ɏ}) %Ԑ;c eqy$/|*>68~G,M,!);~j#g)u 0I-\āYBܻXn4.0퓤iaVW욒}%rlm9Vc1$̒k*WAʗ%qWO*'2tӎAzjTIϝG4'!d'~X@'t2fGwmxfm$1X2#ԁpvG l_6nÍ.GGoc1p)u n3 :=RO*£('~21j乒-* 58=*Uss8hcT(P`2= >bIx^ 6 ^\H/ G MhR$ 6LH##8WJys6ppsKh\G$Te̾蘵V xEm^&05k;`cK5^\!H򬞧j1'0HaH9y: - K|O>)'lR* H2ĕ0ϸ+RZ3 W<'T6 BHX6%FI'Y:y>;vhfG"2kv5HrF1[6@$Tj})ՕMmvY8bۣݟ<} ?Q{hQ"mcmb' @;'RQtV]*_DVԹ X^P?AJXuC6}9zho- [u+[d5Z' 6Y gˌ)KG#FFmlUXuz-qjyr1xڂmL>E˩'S$!@ۅ^ b3(uK<28K(caĭ쑉 }_n7-ܱ͑sGzgo}}94y:XƁtZ9ga 0i4oYAwu!wiăZxیjVR`lXoCȠ[װ!փlkw3\m2꟞Eq(l9FSuȮdG92|zQ%ϓ#5bY+mTy.Ci'g qމt#TV05W WD cwK,YXmHP E| =0\W3ψXp#y u8*{Ϩ--Muђ71/QɣDHT}qM:J #S&_^h# n2H^3ڏ0BbTY0Uѓ#sW_&nPi"bv䃨`\qͨc'|ӧ@jWKi yd`[ x:@P2Ooߑ v3M vh?Rrwf1r1zd\b9'{Y.9'>IFއF[;5Ylg=")T2ӆ w#809bcaQoY#Zj3( nqZԐɬ/ .ߝ- c.ޘްNDORvuGQMx}v5Z KF6Ÿp?DE#ʢxq)-=aQFt;_/VjhxZbYEpH9,3S_8y{i#+۹z?`@bMvX>8{|(QXQ6`?@:lqc$a\>郧[|^=ji\*Q@锾)7yg lDEG*I֚iӥYClYrvw/ND/"dI$`pܟzIqap٤$d$GLP;yo4m[ơ }`pqqRIVq:`>ldR)^q2E" }Dir/c4Ffqm3hDHaͨ䒠dB>8Tb&;CU&ã~O+x8b],x8޺ңcVc;yke*ԖI#jyGXN95"E[羢ߨHؒWSLہYEe#.LqYT:?