JFIF,,Photoshop 3.08BIMs pd252242 photographersdirect.comtlImage pd252242 - The photographer's copyright is upheld by Photographers Direct www.photographersdirect.comncontact Photographers DirectxTwo dingoes , NA , AustraliaUPhotographers DirectPwww.photographersdirect.comYman and animal father and son close up primate in charge deep in thought in charge peer out man and animal Pan troglodytes Pan troglodytes at ease Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal on the road Panthera pardus Big five curved horns dry season Loxodonta africana Big five three birds brown and yellow black and white Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog catching a ride on the move redbilled Vertebrate Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed a Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Giraffa camelopardis Henisus marmoratus Tomopterna cryptosis Tomopterna cryptosis Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal black and white Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five mixed species Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Vertebrate Equus burchelli Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal two-headed animal Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal ripple pattern warm light mixed species Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Vertebrate Equus burchelli Oryx gazella Hoofed animal orange sky setting sun Africa scene day's end Giraffa camelopardis orange sky setting sun Africa scene day's end Giraffa camelopardis sun setting sun Africa scene day's end red sun Giraffa camelopardis Giraffa camelopardis Giraffa camelopardis warm light Giraffa camelopardis Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five trunk detail tip of trunk Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five testing the air Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five Oryx gazella Hoofed animal Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five final blow Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Suricata suricatta blue sky Suricata suricatta Suricata suricatta Suricata suricatta desert food Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus mother and cubs Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus mother and young Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus mother and child Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea desert food Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea egg feast enough for all Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea make way landing gear large vultures predator and prey long legs success open beak sharp bill predator and prey head down water hole The catch predator and prey water predator and prey wings outstretched dangling feet flying high flying high aerial view meat eater Panthera pardus Big five big five Panthera pardus Big five take off blue color blue colour going places Panthera pardus Big five take off blue color blue colour Panthera pardus Big five take off blue color blue colour coming down Panthera pardus Big five blue color blue colour going places Panthera pardus Big five low angle warm tones head on looking up looking out Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog warm tones going places open mouth Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Low angle low perspective looking up open mouth head on pack animal Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Canis sp near miss mouth open predator and prey Canis sp sun on the water Canis sp warm tones Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five lying down warm tones Panthera leo Big five lying down warm tones Panthera leo Big five warm tones Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five male and female Panthera leo Big five mating pair male and female Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five mating pair male and female non-co operative Panthera leo Big five male and female Panthera leo Big five male and female side by side Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five furrowed brow Panthera leo Big five grooming cleaning Panthera leo Big five side on Panthera leo Big five Oryx cats adult male lion single lion food chain Panthera leo Big five night time single male lone male Panthera leo Big five red meat food chain Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five warm lighting head only big five the king Panthera leo Big five warm light side on Panthera leo Big five warm light king of the beasts Panthera leo Big five hide your face warm tones Panthera leo Big five warm tones retracted claws closed eyes Panthera leo Big five open mouth king of beasts warm tones Panthera leo Big five look out Panthera leo Big five king of beasts mouth open warm light Panthera leo Big five big five Panthera leo Big five warm tones Panthera leo Big five king of beasts warm tones Panthera leo Big five head on eye contact head only Hippopotamus amphibius wide open open wide Hippopotamus amphibius Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal big five Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal wide open spaces Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal dry season Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal mother and child hey you Spotted hyena Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta prey predator interaction Spotted hyena Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta Spotted hyena Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea warm tones Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog warm tones Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog low angle Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog back to back head to tail termite mound standing tall long grass grassy plain long neck side on long grass mating ritual gazella granti rear ends side on dry season blue eye male and female breeding pair tall elegant black and white long necks and legs black and white long tail law enforcement law enforcer redbilled redbilled long neck blue sky strict yellow flowers indigenous medicine natural medicine herbal remedy man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental oil spill environmental damage man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental oil spill environmental damage man and bird interaction oil spill environmental oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence man and bird interaction oil spill environmental red eye bold stripes shut eyes facial markings glowing orbs yellow orbs head on golden eyes bird of prey sharp beak black eyes mixed species Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal swimming Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal left behind Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal warm lighting Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal day's end Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal day's end Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal blue sky Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five close-up rear end Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five concept going away the end Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five moody Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five mother and calf big and small Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five wrinkly skin Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five big and small Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five mother and child Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five head on Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five amber eye Panthera leo Big five mother and cubs Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five blue sky low perspective side on Panthera leo Big five Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Panthera leo Big five rear end climbing in Loxodonta africana Big five rear end Loxodonta africana Big five Panthera pardus Big five ears flat Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five fixed stare Panthera pardus Big five baboon prey Panthera pardus Big five night time Panthera pardus Big five yellow and gold Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five deep gaze faraway look Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five red soil man and animals big ears open mouth Suricata suricatta looking out on guard Suricata suricatta Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal touching noses Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal close up yellow sun orange sun glowing orb signs of the wild Papio ursinus human and animal interaction Papio ursinus looking up excuse me seeking attention standing up mother and child big eyes Cercopithecus pygerythrus big eyes big eyes night eyes big ears about to strike sun tanning out of water green and yellow close up open wide upper palate varanus exanthematicus bright green social behaviour social insects iridescent green dung ball hard working new beginning out of the egg breaking out new beginning out of the egg breaking out goggle eyes protuberant eyes hidden death unsuspected danger hidden death unsuspected danger live young pattern and contrast curls and stripes intense gaze eye shadow Panthera tigris Predator flecked eye Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator wrinkled nose Panthera tigris Predator facial markings Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator goal orientated Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator warm lighting Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator eyes closed Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator cool down laid back green grass Panthera tigris Predator consider this deep in thought Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down amber eye Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator open mouth Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator role reversal Panthera tigris Predator Panthera leo persica Panthera leo persica Loxodonta africana head on man and animal working animals Loxodonta africana Big five protected species Equus przewalskii protected species Equus przewalskii Pongo pygmaeus Pongo pygmaeus belly button endangered species Pongo pygmaeus Pongo pygmaeus endangered species Pongo pygmaeus on show Pongo pygmaeus boxing gloves warm tones Pygathrix nemaeus Hylobates pilaeus Hylobates syndactylus open mouth shout out Hylobates syndactylus Hylobates pilaeus Hylobates lar Hylobates lar Hylobates lar black face Hylobates gabrielle white muzzle Equus przewalskii Equus przewalskii head on Hemitragus jemlahicus hairy coat Hemitragus jemlahicus Tapirus indicus black and white Tapirus indicus yellow and white Cacatua sulphurea glowing orbs Bubo bubo bengalensis red eye close up Bubo bubo bengalensis orange eyes Bubo bubo bengalensis Bubo bubo Pavo cristatus Pavo cristatus Pavo cristatus Pavo cristatus red head Grus vipo red eye neck colouring Grus vipo Goura victoria blue head Argusianus argus blue head Argusianus argus Argusianus argus Chrisophus pictus threatened species white brown gold and black Symaticus reevesii Chrisophus pictus threatened species green back Ducular bicolour Caloenas nicobarica Buceros bicornis side on Rhyticeros undulatus red eye Rhyticeros undulatus black and yellow Ducula aenea blue pouch fuzzy head Rhyticeros undulatus yellow rimmed eyes Panthera pardus Big five flecked eyes yellow rimmed eyes Panthera pardus Big five Trimersurus macrops vertical pupil Trimersurus macrops Megophrys nasuta Megophrys nasuta creepy crawlies feathery feelers Attacus atlas Attacus atlas green and black Phyllium spp Deroplatys dessicata moon moth diagonal line Argema mimosae head lifted diagonal line Dendroaspis polylepis scuba diving large and small outside looking in big and small check this out scuba diving light from above small fish Parapriacanthus guentheri Parapriacanthus guentheri Trianodon obesus Trianodon obesus man and fish the one that got away Carcharhinus perezi Carcharhinus perezi open mouth head on close up close encounter Eugomphodus taurus Eugomphodus taurus man and animal scuba diving scuba diver large and small predator and prey pale blue fish close-up Cephalopholis miniata Cephalopholis miniata white death man eater Carcharodon carcharias Carcharodon carcharias wide mouth large mouth Variola louti Variola louti deep blue scuba diver family outing shark bite shark wound exotic food natural resources fishing industry bright blue Cephalopholis miniata Cephalopholis miniata Chaetodon semilarvatus Chaetodon semilarvatus blue lines diagonal lines yellow small mouth close up Pygoplites diacanthus Pygoplites diacanthus nictitating membrane close up protective membrane Galeocerdo cuvier Galeocerdo cuvier diagonal lines pale blue mother and child mother and calf Tursiops truncatus Tursiops truncatus mustard colour yellow color Sphyraena barracuda Sphyraena barracuda Gymnothorax funebris Gymnothorax funebris orange and blue Halichoeres hotulanus Halichoeres hotulanus oriental food natural resources shark fishing deep blue head on plankton feeder Octopus macropus eyeball Trianodon obesus Trianodon obesus black and white Gymnothorax favagineus diagonal line shell fish white line Lysmata amboinensis Lysmata amboinensis man and fish two sharks deep blue white death man eater tourist attraction facing death pelagic predator water Cheilinus undulatus Echeneis naucrates Cheilinus undulatus Echeneis naucrates man and fish interaction deep blue taking a ride into the light ray of light Eretmochelys imbricata Eretmochelys imbricata black and yellow diagonal lines Chaetodon fasciatus Chaetodon fasciatus plankton feeder murky water large nosed Cetorhinus maximus Cetorhinus maximus Chelonia midas Thalassoma klunzingeri Thalassoma klunzingeri white lips skin texture Pomacanthus arcuatus Pomacanthus arcuatus man and fish interaction deep blue scuba diver midnight blue show off Carcharodon carcharias Carcharodon carcharias fat lips Adioryx spinifer Adioryx spinifer looking up conservation Trianodon obesus Trianodon obesus mother and child light Tursiops truncatus Tursiops truncatus open sea denizen of the deep sea surface too close for comfort scuba divers face to face close encounter man eater white death Parapriacanthus guentheri Parapriacanthus guentheri black and white Arothron diadematus Arothron diadematus deep blue man and fish interaction light and dark deep blue ray of light Carcharodon carcharias Carcharodon carcharias scuba divers sea floor fish and man interaction chain mail suit Carcharhinus perezi Carcharhinus perezi diagonal line Cephalopholis miniata Cephalopholis miniata blue and yellow yellow eye painted lady close-up Holacanthus ciliaris Holacanthus ciliaris grey yellow eye Pomacanthus paru Pomacanthus paru Octopus briareus Octopus briareus Parapriacanthus guentheri Parapriacanthus guentheri scuba diver helping hand scuba diver man and shark Galeocerdo cuvier Galeocerdo cuvier vertical lines blue and yellow Naso lituratus yellow lines Naso lituratus Octopus doflein Octopus doflein deep blue canned food live bait school of dolphins rays of light Galeocerdo cuvier Galeocerdo cuvier horizontal lines Sphyraena barracuda Sphyraena barracuda gazing down Petrogale xanthopus mother and baby Thylogale thetis mother and child Macropus giga Petrogale xanthopus no worries Macropus parryi along for the ride mother and baby Macropus giga along for the ride mother and baby Macropus rufogriseus what's up mate? enquiring gaze Macropus giga blue sky Macropus giga blue sky Macropus giga Dendrolagus b big ears Macropus lagotis big ears Macropus lagotis Varanus panoptes side on green grass Varanus panoptes Tiliqua multifasciata hunting tactic Tiliqua multifasciata protective colouration black and yellow skin texture Trachydosaurus rugosus Chrondropython viridis Chrondropython viridis Chrondropython viridis pattern Chondropython viridis Crocodylus porosus Macropus rufu yes sir Macropus rufu Macropus rufu Macropus rufu Macropus rufu Bettongia penicillata Vombatus ursinus Vombatus ursinus long nose Tachyglossus aculeatus long nose Tachyglossus aculeatus Pteropus conspicillatus Pteropus conspicillatus Pteropus conspicillatus blue sky Camelus dromedarius Camelus dromedarius Camelus dromedarius Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus furry ears Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus taking off Anseranas semipalmata Podargus strigoides big bill Pelecanus conspicillatus pink bill long bill Pelecanus conspicillatus on guard pattern skin texture Nephrurus amyae protective colouring skin pattern Phyllurus cornutus Moloch horridus Moloch horridus Pogona vitticeps orange eye Dromaius novaehollandiae green grass Dromaius novaehollandiae nesting hole Eclectus roratus bright green colourful beak Eclectus roratus bright green fluffed up feather texture long crest Petrophassa plunifera bright orange Mantella aurantiaca black and yellow Mantella aurantiaca Chamaeleo parsonii changing colour Furcifer minor Chamaeleo parsonii leaf veins Phelsuma species protective colouration Uroplatus fimbriatus Lepilemur spp front foot Lepilemur leucoopus long tail pale brown Propithecus verreauxi high up Propithecus verreauxi tree climber Lemur macaco Geochelone elephantopus volcanic island Amblyrhychus cristatus close to surface Rhinoptera steindachneri Conolophus spp barren landscape Conolophus spp neck flap Conolophus spp green and red Grapsus grapsus sea shore Grapsus grapsus Grapsus grapsus shore scene rocky coast waters edge marine mammal fur coat Zalophus californianus wolleback on holiday on the beach beach scene Zalophus californianus wolleback coastal habitat rocky shore Zalophus californianus wolleback Zalophus californianus wolleback Nyctanassa violacea blue sky Sula nebouxi Sula nebouxi protecting Sula nebouxi sea shore red bill black and white Haematopus palliatus Creagrus furcatus Fregata spp blue sky Fregata spp red feet Sula sula coastal habitat Diomedea irrorata blue sea Nannopterum harrisi Fregata minor long neck yellow eye Anhinga anhinga Botaurus lentiginosus smiling jaws Alligator missippensis Corallus caninus Eunectess murinus black and white fancy dress Dendrobates finctonius black and yellow Dendrobates finctonius black and yellow Dendrobates finctonius Aviculation metallica Att spp Att spp leaf dance Att spp Coendou prehensilis Coendou prehensilis Dasypus novemcinctus teeth Felis pardalis Felis wiedii Felis yagouroundi dog furry ears chrysocyon brachyurus Saguinus oedipus Pithecia pithecia Pithecia pithecia black and white Pithecia pithecia black and white Pithecia pithecia Callithrix jacchus Callithrix jacchus white and furry Choloepus didactylus tylus Choloepus didactylus tylus Panthera onca white eyes Sarcoramphus papa side glance primary colours yellow and red Ara macao close up yellow and red Ara macao close up Ramphastos sulfuratus tail feathers wing feathers Aloutta seniculus mouth open wide Aloutta pigra yellow fur Saimiri sciureus Saimiri sciureus Crocodylus niloticus out of the egg Crocodylus niloticus Lemur coronatus Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five hanging out upside down Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five yellow eye Pearl-spotted yellow eye Cains familiaris yellow dog butter wouldn't melt in his mouth Cains dingo yellow dog Cains familiaris shout Neophoca cinerea mother and baby Neophoca cinerea Neophoca cinerea telling stories Neophoca cinerea black and white Phoca groenlandicus black eyes black and white Phoca groenlandicus snowy scene Phoca groenlandicus black and white laid back Phoca groenlandicus black and white Phoca groenlandicus frosted over snowed up peeping out one eye black and Phoca groenlandicus black and white Phoca groenlandicus icy landscape Phoca groenlandicus Phoca groenlandicus Phoca groenlandicus black and white laid back Phoca groenlandicus Phoca groenlandicus black and white Phoca groenlandicus Oducoileus virginianus clavium let's share Oducoileus virginianus clavium Arctocephalus pusillus face to face nest eggs eggs in one basket heading for the sea parallel lines nest egg eggs in one basket black face red eye mother and child warm tones diagonal line head on eye contact determined locking horns yellow dog Loxodonta africana Big five open wide Hippopotamus amphibius mother and child side view Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Giraffa camelopardis Giraffa c retifula Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five teeming herds rolling plains Connochaetes taurinus rolling plains African scene Connochaetes taurinus Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta disgusting tastes horrible spit that out Pongo pygmeaus Erinaceus algrius cinnyricinclus leucogaster Hierauetus fasciatus dead meat king of the castle on top wing feathers royal bird Amphiprion sps Cocos nucifera Mylabris sps Arctocephalus pusillus listen here hear this Gyps bengalensis yellow dogsalert attentiveYman and animal father and son close up primate in charge deep in thought in charge peer out man and animal Pan troglodytes Pan troglodytes at ease Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal on the road Panthera pardus Big five curved horns dry season Loxodonta africana Big five three birds brown and yellow black and white Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog catching a ride on the move redbilled Vertebrate Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed a Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Giraffa camelopardis Henisus marmoratus Tomopterna cryptosis Tomopterna cryptosis Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal black and white Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five mixed species Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Vertebrate Equus burchelli Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal two-headed animal Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal ripple pattern warm light mixed species Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Vertebrate Equus burchelli Oryx gazella Hoofed animal orange sky setting sun Africa scene day's end Giraffa camelopardis orange sky setting sun Africa scene day's end Giraffa camelopardis sun setting sun Africa scene day's end red sun Giraffa camelopardis Giraffa camelopardis Giraffa camelopardis warm light Giraffa camelopardis Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five trunk detail tip of trunk Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five testing the air Loxodonta africana Big five Loxodonta africana Big five Oryx gazella Hoofed animal Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five final blow Tragelaphus strepsiceros Hoofed animal Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Suricata suricatta blue sky Suricata suricatta Suricata suricatta Suricata suricatta desert food Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus mother and cubs Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus mother and young Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus mother and child Acinonynx jubatus Acinonynx jubatus Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea desert food Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea egg feast enough for all Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea make way landing gear large vultures predator and prey long legs success open beak sharp bill predator and prey head down water hole The catch predator and prey water predator and prey wings outstretched dangling feet flying high flying high aerial view meat eater Panthera pardus Big five big five Panthera pardus Big five take off blue color blue colour going places Panthera pardus Big five take off blue color blue colour Panthera pardus Big five take off blue color blue colour coming down Panthera pardus Big five blue color blue colour going places Panthera pardus Big five low angle warm tones head on looking up looking out Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog warm tones going places open mouth Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Low angle low perspective looking up open mouth head on pack animal Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Canis sp near miss mouth open predator and prey Canis sp sun on the water Canis sp warm tones Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five lying down warm tones Panthera leo Big five lying down warm tones Panthera leo Big five warm tones Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five male and female Panthera leo Big five mating pair male and female Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five mating pair male and female non-co operative Panthera leo Big five male and female Panthera leo Big five male and female side by side Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five furrowed brow Panthera leo Big five grooming cleaning Panthera leo Big five side on Panthera leo Big five Oryx cats adult male lion single lion food chain Panthera leo Big five night time single male lone male Panthera leo Big five red meat food chain Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five warm lighting head only big five the king Panthera leo Big five warm light side on Panthera leo Big five warm light king of the beasts Panthera leo Big five hide your face warm tones Panthera leo Big five warm tones retracted claws closed eyes Panthera leo Big five open mouth king of beasts warm tones Panthera leo Big five look out Panthera leo Big five king of beasts mouth open warm light Panthera leo Big five big five Panthera leo Big five warm tones Panthera leo Big five king of beasts warm tones Panthera leo Big five head on eye contact head only Hippopotamus amphibius wide open open wide Hippopotamus amphibius Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal big five Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal wide open spaces Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal dry season Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal mother and child hey you Spotted hyena Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta prey predator interaction Spotted hyena Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta Spotted hyena Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta Brown hyena Vertebrate Hyaena brunea warm tones Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog warm tones Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog low angle Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog back to back head to tail termite mound standing tall long grass grassy plain long neck side on long grass mating ritual gazella granti rear ends side on dry season blue eye male and female breeding pair tall elegant black and white long necks and legs black and white long tail law enforcement law enforcer redbilled redbilled long neck blue sky strict yellow flowers indigenous medicine natural medicine herbal remedy man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental oil spill environmental damage man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental man and bird interaction oil spill environmental oil spill environmental damage man and bird interaction oil spill environmental oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence oil spill environmental damage death sentence man and bird interaction oil spill environmental red eye bold stripes shut eyes facial markings glowing orbs yellow orbs head on golden eyes bird of prey sharp beak black eyes mixed species Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal swimming Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal left behind Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal warm lighting Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal day's end Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal day's end Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal blue sky Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five close-up rear end Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five concept going away the end Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five moody Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five mother and calf big and small Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five wrinkly skin Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five big and small Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five mother and child Ceratotherium simum Square-lipped rhino Big five head on Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five amber eye Panthera leo Big five mother and cubs Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five blue sky low perspective side on Panthera leo Big five Lycaon pictus Cape hunting dog Panthera leo Big five rear end climbing in Loxodonta africana Big five rear end Loxodonta africana Big five Panthera pardus Big five ears flat Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five fixed stare Panthera pardus Big five baboon prey Panthera pardus Big five night time Panthera pardus Big five yellow and gold Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five deep gaze faraway look Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five Panthera pardus Big five red soil man and animals big ears open mouth Suricata suricatta looking out on guard Suricata suricatta Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal touching noses Connochaetes sp Brindled gnu Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal close up yellow sun orange sun glowing orb signs of the wild Papio ursinus human and animal interaction Papio ursinus looking up excuse me seeking attention standing up mother and child big eyes Cercopithecus pygerythrus big eyes big eyes night eyes big ears about to strike sun tanning out of water green and yellow close up open wide upper palate varanus exanthematicus bright green social behaviour social insects iridescent green dung ball hard working new beginning out of the egg breaking out new beginning out of the egg breaking out goggle eyes protuberant eyes hidden death unsuspected danger hidden death unsuspected danger live young pattern and contrast curls and stripes intense gaze eye shadow Panthera tigris Predator flecked eye Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator wrinkled nose Panthera tigris Predator facial markings Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator goal orientated Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator warm lighting Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator eyes closed Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator cool down laid back green grass Panthera tigris Predator consider this deep in thought Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down amber eye Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator open mouth Panthera tigris Predator Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator cool down Panthera tigris Predator role reversal Panthera tigris Predator Panthera leo persica Panthera leo persica Loxodonta africana head on man and animal working animals Loxodonta africana Big five protected species Equus przewalskii protected species Equus przewalskii Pongo pygmaeus Pongo pygmaeus belly button endangered species Pongo pygmaeus Pongo pygmaeus endangered species Pongo pygmaeus on show Pongo pygmaeus boxing gloves warm tones Pygathrix nemaeus Hylobates pilaeus Hylobates syndactylus open mouth shout out Hylobates syndactylus Hylobates pilaeus Hylobates lar Hylobates lar Hylobates lar black face Hylobates gabrielle white muzzle Equus przewalskii Equus przewalskii head on Hemitragus jemlahicus hairy coat Hemitragus jemlahicus Tapirus indicus black and white Tapirus indicus yellow and white Cacatua sulphurea glowing orbs Bubo bubo bengalensis red eye close up Bubo bubo bengalensis orange eyes Bubo bubo bengalensis Bubo bubo Pavo cristatus Pavo cristatus Pavo cristatus Pavo cristatus red head Grus vipo red eye neck colouring Grus vipo Goura victoria blue head Argusianus argus blue head Argusianus argus Argusianus argus Chrisophus pictus threatened species white brown gold and black Symaticus reevesii Chrisophus pictus threatened species green back Ducular bicolour Caloenas nicobarica Buceros bicornis side on Rhyticeros undulatus red eye Rhyticeros undulatus black and yellow Ducula aenea blue pouch fuzzy head Rhyticeros undulatus yellow rimmed eyes Panthera pardus Big five flecked eyes yellow rimmed eyes Panthera pardus Big five Trimersurus macrops vertical pupil Trimersurus macrops Megophrys nasuta Megophrys nasuta creepy crawlies feathery feelers Attacus atlas Attacus atlas green and black Phyllium spp Deroplatys dessicata moon moth diagonal line Argema mimosae head lifted diagonal line Dendroaspis polylepis scuba diving large and small outside looking in big and small check this out scuba diving light from above small fish Parapriacanthus guentheri Parapriacanthus guentheri Trianodon obesus Trianodon obesus man and fish the one that got away Carcharhinus perezi Carcharhinus perezi open mouth head on close up close encounter Eugomphodus taurus Eugomphodus taurus man and animal scuba diving scuba diver large and small predator and prey pale blue fish close-up Cephalopholis miniata Cephalopholis miniata white death man eater Carcharodon carcharias Carcharodon carcharias wide mouth large mouth Variola louti Variola louti deep blue scuba diver family outing shark bite shark wound exotic food natural resources fishing industry bright blue Cephalopholis miniata Cephalopholis miniata Chaetodon semilarvatus Chaetodon semilarvatus blue lines diagonal lines yellow small mouth close up Pygoplites diacanthus Pygoplites diacanthus nictitating membrane close up protective membrane Galeocerdo cuvier Galeocerdo cuvier diagonal lines pale blue mother and child mother and calf Tursiops truncatus Tursiops truncatus mustard colour yellow color Sphyraena barracuda Sphyraena barracuda Gymnothorax funebris Gymnothorax funebris orange and blue Halichoeres hotulanus Halichoeres hotulanus oriental food natural resources shark fishing deep blue head on plankton feeder Octopus macropus eyeball Trianodon obesus Trianodon obesus black and white Gymnothorax favagineus diagonal line shell fish white line Lysmata amboinensis Lysmata amboinensis man and fish two sharks deep blue white death man eater tourist attraction facing death pelagic predator water Cheilinus undulatus Echeneis naucrates Cheilinus undulatus Echeneis naucrates man and fish interaction deep blue taking a ride into the light ray of light Eretmochelys imbricata Eretmochelys imbricata black and yellow diagonal lines Chaetodon fasciatus Chaetodon fasciatus plankton feeder murky water large nosed Cetorhinus maximus Cetorhinus maximus Chelonia midas Thalassoma klunzingeri Thalassoma klunzingeri white lips skin texture Pomacanthus arcuatus Pomacanthus arcuatus man and fish interaction deep blue scuba diver midnight blue show off Carcharodon carcharias Carcharodon carcharias fat lips Adioryx spinifer Adioryx spinifer looking up conservation Trianodon obesus Trianodon obesus mother and child light Tursiops truncatus Tursiops truncatus open sea denizen of the deep sea surface too close for comfort scuba divers face to face close encounter man eater white death Parapriacanthus guentheri Parapriacanthus guentheri black and white Arothron diadematus Arothron diadematus deep blue man and fish interaction light and dark deep blue ray of light Carcharodon carcharias Carcharodon carcharias scuba divers sea floor fish and man interaction chain mail suit Carcharhinus perezi Carcharhinus perezi diagonal line Cephalopholis miniata Cephalopholis miniata blue and yellow yellow eye painted lady close-up Holacanthus ciliaris Holacanthus ciliaris grey yellow eye Pomacanthus paru Pomacanthus paru Octopus briareus Octopus briareus Parapriacanthus guentheri Parapriacanthus guentheri scuba diver helping hand scuba diver man and shark Galeocerdo cuvier Galeocerdo cuvier vertical lines blue and yellow Naso lituratus yellow lines Naso lituratus Octopus doflein Octopus doflein deep blue canned food live bait school of dolphins rays of light Galeocerdo cuvier Galeocerdo cuvier horizontal lines Sphyraena barracuda Sphyraena barracuda gazing down Petrogale xanthopus mother and baby Thylogale thetis mother and child Macropus giga Petrogale xanthopus no worries Macropus parryi along for the ride mother and baby Macropus giga along for the ride mother and baby Macropus rufogriseus what's up mate? enquiring gaze Macropus giga blue sky Macropus giga blue sky Macropus giga Dendrolagus b big ears Macropus lagotis big ears Macropus lagotis Varanus panoptes side on green grass Varanus panoptes Tiliqua multifasciata hunting tactic Tiliqua multifasciata protective colouration black and yellow skin texture Trachydosaurus rugosus Chrondropython viridis Chrondropython viridis Chrondropython viridis pattern Chondropython viridis Crocodylus porosus Macropus rufu yes sir Macropus rufu Macropus rufu Macropus rufu Macropus rufu Bettongia penicillata Vombatus ursinus Vombatus ursinus long nose Tachyglossus aculeatus long nose Tachyglossus aculeatus Pteropus conspicillatus Pteropus conspicillatus Pteropus conspicillatus blue sky Camelus dromedarius Camelus dromedarius Camelus dromedarius Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus furry ears Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus Phascolarctors cinereus taking off Anseranas semipalmata Podargus strigoides big bill Pelecanus conspicillatus pink bill long bill Pelecanus conspicillatus on guard pattern skin texture Nephrurus amyae protective colouring skin pattern Phyllurus cornutus Moloch horridus Moloch horridus Pogona vitticeps orange eye Dromaius novaehollandiae green grass Dromaius novaehollandiae nesting hole Eclectus roratus bright green colourful beak Eclectus roratus bright green fluffed up feather texture long crest Petrophassa plunifera bright orange Mantella aurantiaca black and yellow Mantella aurantiaca Chamaeleo parsonii changing colour Furcifer minor Chamaeleo parsonii leaf veins Phelsuma species protective colouration Uroplatus fimbriatus Lepilemur spp front foot Lepilemur leucoopus long tail pale brown Propithecus verreauxi high up Propithecus verreauxi tree climber Lemur macaco Geochelone elephantopus volcanic island Amblyrhychus cristatus close to surface Rhinoptera steindachneri Conolophus spp barren landscape Conolophus spp neck flap Conolophus spp green and red Grapsus grapsus sea shore Grapsus grapsus Grapsus grapsus shore scene rocky coast waters edge marine mammal fur coat Zalophus californianus wolleback on holiday on the beach beach scene Zalophus californianus wolleback coastal habitat rocky shore Zalophus californianus wolleback Zalophus californianus wolleback Nyctanassa violacea blue sky Sula nebouxi Sula nebouxi protecting Sula nebouxi sea shore red bill black and white Haematopus palliatus Creagrus furcatus Fregata spp blue sky Fregata spp red feet Sula sula coastal habitat Diomedea irrorata blue sea Nannopterum harrisi Fregata minor long neck yellow eye Anhinga anhinga Botaurus lentiginosus smiling jaws Alligator missippensis Corallus caninus Eunectess murinus black and white fancy dress Dendrobates finctonius black and yellow Dendrobates finctonius black and yellow Dendrobates finctonius Aviculation metallica Att spp Att spp leaf dance Att spp Coendou prehensilis Coendou prehensilis Dasypus novemcinctus teeth Felis pardalis Felis wiedii Felis yagouroundi dog furry ears chrysocyon brachyurus Saguinus oedipus Pithecia pithecia Pithecia pithecia black and white Pithecia pithecia black and white Pithecia pithecia Callithrix jacchus Callithrix jacchus white and furry Choloepus didactylus tylus Choloepus didactylus tylus Panthera onca white eyes Sarcoramphus papa side glance primary colours yellow and red Ara macao close up yellow and red Ara macao close up Ramphastos sulfuratus tail feathers wing feathers Aloutta seniculus mouth open wide Aloutta pigra yellow fur Saimiri sciureus Saimiri sciureus Crocodylus niloticus out of the egg Crocodylus niloticus Lemur coronatus Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five hanging out upside down Diceros bicornis Hook-lipped rhino Big five yellow eye Pearl-spotted yellow eye Cains familiaris yellow dog butter wouldn't melt in his mouth Cains dingo yellow dog Cains familiaris shout Neophoca cinerea mother and baby Neophoca cinerea Neophoca cinerea telling stories Neophoca cinerea black and white Phoca groenlandicus black eyes black and white Phoca groenlandicus snowy scene Phoca groenlandicus black and white laid back Phoca groenlandicus black and white Phoca groenlandicus frosted over snowed up peeping out one eye black and Phoca groenlandicus black and white Phoca groenlandicus icy landscape Phoca groenlandicus Phoca groenlandicus Phoca groenlandicus black and white laid back Phoca groenlandicus Phoca groenlandicus black and white Phoca groenlandicus Oducoileus virginianus clavium let's share Oducoileus virginianus clavium Arctocephalus pusillus face to face nest eggs eggs in one basket heading for the sea parallel lines nest egg eggs in one basket black face red eye mother and child warm tones diagonal line head on eye contact determined locking horns yellow dog Loxodonta africana Big five open wide Hippopotamus amphibius mother and child side view Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Giraffa camelopardis Giraffa c retifula Syncerus caffer Cape buffalo Big five Hoofed animal Equus burchelli Hoofed animal Panthera leo Big five Panthera leo Big five teeming herds rolling plains Connochaetes taurinus rolling plains African scene Connochaetes taurinus Vertebrate Crocuta crocuta disgusting tastes horrible spit that out Pongo pygmeaus Erinaceus algrius cinnyricinclus leucogaster Hierauetus fasciatus dead meat king of the castle on top wing feathers royal bird Amphiprion sps Cocos nucifera Mylabris sps Arctocephalus pusillus listen here hear this Gyps bengalensis yellow dogs Canis dingowildlifenatureQExifMM*nv(1~2"i,,Adobe Photoshop CS Windows2004:12:20 12:17:25All rights reserved: AfriPics.comLJR(Z,,JFIFHH Adobe_CMAdobed            j" ?   3!1AQa"q2B#$Rb34rC%Scs5&DTdE£t6UeuF'Vfv7GWgw5!1AQaq"2B#R3$brCScs4%&5DTdEU6teuFVfv'7GWgw ? {IAl*VT^ׁ-A4Lɓk3%I C[y"SvMUR{ia`@kt(Q-%1:h e 5_ O?=djp: A50Od"4ŠNշRD##tIq-?"oUѹPR#%G k)6HM)֛mkA@ݶuM/([YPK^0 ( iLXtТUTm0 ʛI?L ?i5՟{ [uog|U515dv+U t~^Rю?r ge:*}䵅1 ?C~vǻ--7: %A8 =18?՟].).D< R[\GfiűVgRց6ޙb5G2C 5KQu .ūM@} <~{6[6tݕv=f[e&k0]u,*]Sk8nm4gZa fф| ^{ʛg,$QRm%b(hpG8:ʁ2DΟKu(sk˳:/_-Ibk [w>S[ X>jn/籵}7LŚV%`,PYoo4 MI;C(?6ץ`פhn;s( x+"Bss=OA@{ɇsk_Y'Cʭꏣ]H"):[]zfh"uÿT n pQCB{j ֶښU!mv2Dw}Xɤ_Pu|jq: ]Y]pnAl}*63iwwlEUԤEV mooYS/A0">[u## #d_ڰfNM{CN1c~ZWp3G~Dr]co{ Nk?;1z~>KCCX ݩ{[[B4+}&V5';>=M6ApZ98loOzWU~/Xv:G nܿIrW}(r}/ޟׇv} >3i:gr_L!zn> 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