JFIF``&Photoshop 3.08BIM Z%G12058Animal > Mammal > SkunkSubject > Technique > CaptivityMammal(@© Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide720070301P Phillip Collan Phillip CollasCanon EOS-1Ds Mark II RAWt@© Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwidexGStriped skunk. The striped skunk prefers somewhat open areas with a mixture of habitats such as woods, grasslands, and agricultural clearings. They are usually never found further than two miles from a water source. They are also often found in suburban areas because of the abundance of buildings that provide them with cover7302 Azalea PlaceCarlsbad California92011USA(760) 804-0731oceanlight@oceanlight.comwww.OceanLight.comwww.Oceanlight.com ScientificName=Mephitis mephitisCommonName=Striped skunk@AllKeywords=Animal, Captivity, Mammal, Skunk, Subject, Technique Orientation=HCode=C Quality=100Dim=Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II RAW&ExifMM*;nKiڜ>, bPhillip Colla / Oceanlight.comCopyright (c) 2007 by Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com. All rights reserved. UNICODECopyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you.Copyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you.Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.comCopyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you. XICC_PROFILE HLinomntrRGB XYZ  1acspMSFTIEC sRGB-HP cprtP3desclwtptbkptrXYZgXYZ,bXYZ@dmndTpdmddvuedLview$lumimeas $tech0 rTRC< gTRC< bTRC< textCopyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard CompanydescsRGB IEC61966-2.1sRGB IEC61966-2.1XYZ QXYZ XYZ o8XYZ bXYZ $descIEC http://www.iec.chIEC http://www.iec.chdesc.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGBdesc,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1view_. \XYZ L VPWmeassig CRT curv #(-27;@EJOTY^chmrw| %+28>ELRY`gnu| &/8AKT]gqz !-8COZfr~ -;HUcq~ +:IXgw'7HYj{+=Oat 2FZn  % : O d y  ' = T j " 9 Q i  * C \ u & @ Z t .Id %A^z &Ca~1Om&Ed#Cc'Ij4Vx&IlAe@e Ek*Qw;c*R{Gp@j>i  A l !!H!u!!!"'"U"""# #8#f###$$M$|$$% %8%h%%%&'&W&&&''I'z''( (?(q(())8)k))**5*h**++6+i++,,9,n,,- -A-v--..L.../$/Z///050l0011J1112*2c223 3F3334+4e4455M555676r667$7`7788P8899B999:6:t::;-;k;;<' >`>>?!?a??@#@d@@A)AjAAB0BrBBC:C}CDDGDDEEUEEF"FgFFG5G{GHHKHHIIcIIJ7J}JK KSKKL*LrLMMJMMN%NnNOOIOOP'PqPQQPQQR1R|RSS_SSTBTTU(UuUVV\VVWDWWX/X}XYYiYZZVZZ[E[[\5\\]']x]^^l^__a_``W``aOaabIbbcCccd@dde=eef=ffg=ggh?hhiCiijHjjkOkklWlmm`mnnknooxop+ppq:qqrKrss]sttptu(uuv>vvwVwxxnxy*yyzFz{{c{|!||}A}~~b~#G k͂0WGrׇ;iΉ3dʋ0cʍ1fΏ6n֑?zM _ɖ4 uL$h՛BdҞ@iءG&vVǥ8nRĩ7u\ЭD-u`ֲK³8%yhYѹJº;.! zpg_XQKFAǿ=ȼ:ɹ8ʷ6˶5̵5͵6ζ7ϸ9к<Ѿ?DINU\dlvۀ܊ݖޢ)߯6DScs 2F[p(@Xr4Pm8Ww)Kmhttp://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ www.Oceanlight.com Phillip Colla Mammal Striped skunk. The striped skunk prefers somewhat open areas with a mixture of habitats such as woods, grasslands, and agricultural clearings. They are usually never found further than two miles from a water source. They are also often found in suburban areas because of the abundance of buildings that provide them with cover 12058 © Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide Copyright (c) Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide. This image is protected by domestic and international copyright. No use of this image is permitted whatsoever without a written license from the copyrightholder. This image is NOT in the public domain. You must contact the photographer to obtain a license to use this image in any way. Please go to http://www.Oceanlight.com for contact information and to see a full catalog of our available stock photography. Thank you. Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com Phillip Colla Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II RAW © Phillip Colla / OceanLight.com, all rights reserved worldwide Animal > Mammal > Skunk Subject > Technique > Captivity 2007-03-01 uuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d33d75182f1b 7302 Azalea Place Carlsbad California 92011 USA (760) 804-0731 oceanlight@oceanlight.com www.OceanLight.com www.Oceanlight.com ScientificName=Mephitis mephitis CommonName=Striped skunk AllKeywords=Animal, Captivity, Mammal, Skunk, Subject, Technique Orientation=H Code=C Quality=100 Dim=Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II RAW C     "" $(4,$&1'-=-157:::#+?D?8C49:7C 7%%77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777">!1A"Qa2q#BRb$3CSr'!1A"2Qqa ?.%GMJ6zJ{rI%#`XJ\X۝Q: ˹נwB0۾./*欰@}N.(asfʼn deNfN;F$aʡm(X ؀,``NnT*+]3)[ҧD@'0"; wߛb+,k3:&yUPʪ\e8x'Is +(j}|6gG4suڔ#`M_r3+*@ Y\Y%H,0("ӈWskp'=rK,ŠrD6 G,٫F4Zrd(ׁñf>*_,3fDkF y[Ny!:dE ?u! ECˮ~CqԵpR)eT,h)fIiġ,lEĒԙMM7O%3FA@mc߷V{c)O3ӴY$_a0@4Y\gu b^6Gg$C(-I%aRmVnFn;QY$DUT 1i0)&G(e? 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